Parent meeting 11.04.2024

Welcome to our parent meeting this spring! This year we have invited Valerie Almli & Paula Varela, both working in Nofima and NMBU, to talk about childrens eathing habbits. Date: 11.04.2024 Time: 18.00-19.30

The title of the lecutre is "Why children like the food they like, and how can we support them towards healthier eating habits”.

Valerie and Paula will devide the meeting between themselves, with a break about halfway. This lecture is custum made for us, because we contacted them to see if they could assist us with knowledge around the topic food for children. There are a lot of different recommendations out there that targets parents and it is not always easy to know who to listen to. 

There will be a session at the end of the lecture where you can ask questions . I hope you all will come to heard more about this important topic!

The lecture will be held in english

Please sign up on the doors of your childs class!